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楊浩青 教授


Haw-Ching Yang




07-6011000 ext. 32811





電機資訊大樓 B310研究室

Room No. B310







Intelligent Methods

Intelligent Manufacturing

Sensing and Metrology

Automatic Integration Technology


國立成功大學製造工程研究所博士 (2000/09~2003/07)

國立交通大學控制工程研究所碩士 (1989/08~1991/06)

國立成功大學工程科學系學士 (1985/08~1989/06)


國立高雄科技大學 電機系智慧自動化系統碩士班召集人

國立高雄科技大學 電機系教授

國立高雄科技大學 智慧設備服務與系統中心 主任

國立高雄第一科技大學 電機所副教授

國立高雄第一科技大學 光機電系統技術研發中心主任

國立高雄第一科技大學 系統資訊與控制研究所 助理教授

長榮大學資訊管理學系 助理教授





關鍵因子分析與品質預測模型建立, 友達光電, 2019

國產CNC工具機控制器之自動調變與補償技術的精進及其應用, 科技部, 2016-2019

感測器於加工機測試與驗證, 工研院, 2019

鋁圈尖端自動化技術之刀具磨耗估測模組, 遠東機械, 2018-2019

刀具切削物理量檢測-無線傳輸機能, 東台精機, 2018-2019

具感測器的智慧刀把演算法開發, 工研院, 2018

扣件成形壓力訊號與模具耗損及製程失效之關聯性研究, 金工中心, 2018

GAVM產學合作第二階段委託高科大購案需求, 漢翔航空, 2017-2018

精微加工特徵訊號量測處理方法研究, 金工中心, 2017

鋁圈機尖端自動化技術之整機測試模組, 遠東機械, 2017-2018

刀把應力感測先期研究, 東台精機, 2017

刀具磨耗與刀具壽命預測先期研究, 榮田精機, 2016

發展人機介面教案, 精密機械研究發展中心, 2015-2016


期刊 (近五年)

H.-C. Yang, M. Adnan, C.-H. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, Y.-L. Lo, and C.-H. Hsu, “An Intelligent Metrology Architecture with AVM for Metal Additive Manufacturing,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, to appear, 2019.

H.-C. Yang, T.-H. Tsai, H. Tieng, F.-T. Cheng, “A Gradual Refreshing Scheme for Improving Tool Utilization,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 515–522, April 2019.

C.-C. Chen, M.-H. Hung, B. Suryajaya, Y.-C. Lin, H.-C. Yang, H.-C. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, “A Novel Efficient Big Data Processing Scheme for Feature Extraction in Electrical Discharge Machining,”IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,  Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 910–917, April 2019.

H. Tieng, T.-H. Tsai, C.-F. Chen, H.-C. Yang, J.-W. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, “Automatic Virtual Metrology and Deformation Fusion Scheme for Engine-Case Manufacturing,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 934 – 941, April 2018.

H.-C. Yang, Y.-Y. Li, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng, “A cyber-physical scheme for predicting tool wear based on a hybrid dynamic neural network,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 614–625,  2017.

H.-C. Yang, C.-H. Cheng, T.-W. Su, L.-W. Kung, C.-M. Jan, W.-C. Wu, and M.-N. Wu, “Intelligent Sensing Unit for Estimation Roughness of Electrical Discharge Machining,” International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, Vol. 7, no. 3, September 2017.

M.-H. Hung, Y.-Y. Li, Y.-C. Lin, C.-F. Wei, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng, “Development of a Novel Cloud-based Multi-tenant Model Creation Service for Automatic Virtual Metrology,” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 44, pp. 174-189, 2017.

H. Tieng, C. F. Chen, F. T. Cheng and H. C. Yang, “Automatic Virtual Metrology and Target Value Adjustment for Mass Customization,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 546-553, 2017.

C.-H. Hsu and H.-C. Yang, “Real-time Near-optimal Scheduling with Rolling Horizon for Automatic Manufacturing Cell,” IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 3369 – 3375, 2016.

H.-C. Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng, “Automatic Virtual Metrology for Wheel Machining Automation,” International Journal of Production Research, vol. 54, issue 21, pp. 6367-6377, 2016.

H.-C. Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng, “Total Precision Inspection of Machine Tools with Virtual Metrology,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 39, Issue 2, pp. 221-235, 2016.

F.-T. Cheng, H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, C.-F. Wei, and Z.-Y. Shieh, “Industry 4.1 for Wheel Machining Automation,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 332-339, 2016.

研討會 (近五年)

H.-C. Yang, C.-H. Zheng, Y.-Z. Chen, and C.-M. Tseng, “Intelligent Diagnosis of Forging Die based on Deep Learning," Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Automation and Science, August 2018.

H.-C. Yang, T.-W. Su, and M.-N. Wu, “Development of Intelligent Sensing Unit for Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining,”Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, September 19-22, 2017.

H.-C. Yang, C.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Kao, “Development of smart tool life Monitoring services for CNC machine tools,”Proc. of the 6th International symposium of Computational Numerical Control Machining, Hsinchu, Taiwan, MARCH 23-26, 2017.

H.-C. Yang, Y.-Y. Li, M.-N. Wu, and F.-T. Cheng, “A Hybrid Tool Life Prediction Scheme in Cloud Architecture,” Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Automation and Science, August 2016.

H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng, “Total precision inspection of machine tools with virtual metrology,” Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Automation and Science, pp. 1446-1467, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015.

Y.-Y. Li, H.-C Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng, “Extracting relevant features for diagnosing machine tool faults in cloud architecture,” Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Automation and Science, pp. 1434-1439, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015.

C.-H. Tsai, H.-C. Yang, and M.-Y. Kuo, “Improve Performance of a Material Control System- Using Parallel Processing with Particle Swarm Optimization,” Proc. of The 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Taiwan, Jun 18-20, 2014.

H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng, "A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Selecting Key Features of Machining Processes," Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Automation and Science, Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014

Y-Y. Li, H.-C. Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng, "Development of Swing Classification Scheme for Lathe Spindle with Loading" Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM 2014), Chyayi, Taiwan, Sep. 30 - Oct. 3, 2014.


H.-C. Yang, M.-N. Wu, “Computer-implemented method for monitoring machine tool based on user behavior,” US patent, 10,042,351B2, August 7, 2018.





H.-C. Yang, H. Ting, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng,” Method for predicting machining quality of machine tool,”US patent, 9,508,042, November 29, 2016.




Y.-L. Chen, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng, "Virtual Production Control System and Method and Computer Program Product Thereof” US patent, 12/724,553, August 20, 2013.



108年度 獲臺灣機械工業同業公會 2019年機械工業產學貢獻獎

108年度 106學年度第2學期「教學成效優異」獎

107年度 107 國家發明創作獎發明獎銀牌(工具機之加工品質的預測方法)

107年度 106學年度第1學期「教學成效優異」獎

106年度 2017 IEEE Conference on Automation and Science, Best Application Paper Award

104年度 2015第十一屆知識社群國際研討會, 最佳論文優等獎

102年度 2013 IEEE International Conference on  Robotics and Automation, Best Automation Paper Award

102年度 102學年度優良教學獎

100年度 99學年度第2學期教學成效優異教師指導學生


106年度 指導李琨旭、蕭紋生、鄭淳宏及沈佳慧同學 2017國產控制器團隊競賽應用創意組 亞軍。

105年度 指導蘇庭煒、周秉毅、鄭淳宏及岳晏晨同學「2016全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽」資訊與電子組傑出獎。

105年度 指導吳廷凱、 鄭淳宏、沈佳慧及蘇庭煒同學 2016國產控制器團隊競賽應用創意組 冠軍。

102年度 指導郭萌裕同學參加國立高雄第一科技大學工學院舉辦之「2013年度學生英文簡報競賽」,榮獲第二名。

102年度 指導柯哲楷及謝旻翰同學參加2013智慧化與服務加值軟體競賽, 第一名。

101年度 指導郭萌裕、楊懿秦及楊硯媚同學參加2012年產業資訊應用趨勢研討會暨個案競賽,榮獲佳作。

101年度 指導陳文豪及楊智傑同學參加2012年產業資訊應用趨勢研討會暨個案競賽榮獲佳作。
